
Recipe Redux’s theme this month was to pick a new ingredient that I don’t generally prepare…something that I’ve been wanting to try in the kitchen.

I thought about it, going down the aisles of Whole Foods and choosing something overpriced and up-and-coming. An ingredient that pairs well with my favorite beer or some trendy goat cheese, but instead I decided to be practical for once and learn something new from one of my favorite places- the farmer’s market.

I wanted inspiration from the local and seasonal ingredients, but there are few items at the market that I don’t generally purchase and cook with, until well,

the cabbage.

What the hell do I do with cabbage?

It’s one of those crucifers I never purchase at the farmers market. I don’t want to drench it in mayo or eat a ton of it raw and have GI distress for the next 24 hours (not like I don’t already) so I always avoided it. It’s great in soup but although I can consume a lot on a daily basis, I am cooking for one currently and the soup thing is unappealing.

So I decided to make my life difficult and purchase two heads of cabbage- one green and one red, for the color of course. I became ambitious and purchased carrots and beets as well. I was going to make this beautiful salad with a fresh vinaigrette that accompanied roasted, and perhaps even candied, root vegetables.

I don’t know what exactly occurred, but often I enjoy prepping and cooking for leisure and I was craving vegetables and wanted them immediately in that moment so I just started chopping and slicing

and the sharp knife created these carrot medallions and I just started sautéing and dehydrated cayenne pepper and himalayan salt came into the mix and then coconut palm sugar and then some vinegar and tamari but really all I wanted was more coconut palm sugar and salt and spicy.

and then that was it.

and it was delicious.

So now this recipe, and a new vegetable in the rotation because it tastes great and is nutritious and is beautiful.

I hope you open your eyes to the cabbage..who knows what else I have been missing out on…



2 heads of cabbage (1 red and 1 green)

4-5 large carrots

1/4-3/4 tsp himalayan or sea salt

1-3 tsp dried cayenne flakes

1-3 tsp coconut palm sugar

drizzle or so of rice vinegar

drizzle or so of tamari (optional)

1-3 tbsp of sesame oil (use this for asian flavor, use another oil for non asian flavor. I’d recommend olive oil for low heat sauté)



-Slice cabbage

-Slice carrots thin in any shape you wish

-Add to skillet/pan (I used a cast iron pan) and sauté (use a lid to get wilted/soft)

-Add all other ingredients. Start in small amounts and add spices/seasonings in increments, taste as you go until you are satisfied. Continue to sauté until cabbage is wilted and carrots are soft but still have some bite to them.

-That’s it. Eat it. Add it to things. Store in fridge in air-tight container.


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  1. Your recipe looks great. I belonged to a CSA two years ago and we received a ton of cabbage. I had to come up with numerous ways to eat it. Don’t think I want to grow my own as there are only so many ways to enjoy it.

    • Thanks. Yeah I got some in my CSA in the past as well..Don’t remember what I did with it but it can really be a great way to add bulk to salads or stir fry to switch up the variety from romaine or etc

  2. Love a new cabbage recipe! :) Also love the photos!

  3. Im a huge cabbage fan, especially now that so much produce is super expensive!

    • I feel you, produce $$ has gone up so much. Brussel sprouts are crazy high right now. Can’t wait to get more cabbage at the market once the snow melts a bit..

  4. What a pretty photo! I love your kitchen bravery- you have a great instinct for flavor! I laughed at your comment about not wanting to eat too much raw cabbage – I’m so with you :)

    • Thank you! It’s definitely fun to experiment..can’t say it always goes as planned though :)
      haha yeah, have you ever tried Jerusalem artichokes? they are delicious but make for an interesting 24 hours..Plan to stay at home if you can lol