I just found out that my coconut curry mini frittatas placed as 2nd runner-up in the sponsored siggi’s recipe challenge from October! It is very fulfilling to have my recipe recognized since I have been contemplating recipe development as a career when I get my RD. It is also quite, quite nice to be rewarded with a $200 visa gift card..

Click this link for the original recipe.


I love being a member of Recipe Redux. Not only providing recipe challenges like the siggi’s, but also creating inspiration for new posts. I’ve realized that some of my best posts were from the Redux’s monthly challenges. Something about being a part of RDs and dietetic interns in a recipe development community is very motivating to me. I’m kinda on a high right now. I’m excited for this month’s theme, but it’ll have to be kept a secret to you all right now until Jan 22nd…

You can view the Redux’s post on the winners here, and check out the other RD’s recipes too. They look great and it’s neat to see the versatility of yogurt in meals and snacks.


On the note of the dietetic life, my current internship rotation at UNC wellness is amazing. I get to sit in on RDs counseling clients and see the programming side as well. I’m able to see the RD apply her knowledge and experience in individualized counseling sessions and have an impact. I can tell the clients are inspired and motivated after a simple 30 minute session. I love being surrounded by professionals who love their job and are supportive of future aspirations. It makes such a difference to be in a positive environment that supports growth and career development. Unfortunately my clinical rotation did not meet my expectations and I didn’t have the best experience, so currently I have shifted my career goals from being a clinical RD to recipe or menu development, something involving cooking and/or the appreciation of food. Being mindful of what is consumed and the nutrition behind it. I have a lot of interests but I’ve realized my strengths right now are what I’ve been doing for the past four years- blogging, recipe development and food photography. We’ll see what the future holds, I’m staying open minded to my career opportunities but I’m definitely going to hone and focus on The Road Not Processed and the recipe side to see how I can further develop my blogging skills. I am always looking for ways to grow and improve.

Any tips on realizing what your ideal career would be? Any trigger moments? I have a lot to learn :)


So, speaking of the $200 visa gift card that I am very thankful for, what are your opinions of what to spend (or save) it on? I want to invest this money into something that benefits me in the long run, or something that is reflective of my journey so far. The RD I am working with at my current rotation, UNC wellness, suggested culinary tools! Such as a ninja, kitchen aid stand mixer, etc. I think that’s a great idea, but what are your thoughts? Would you save it?

What would you spend $200 on if you could?

My thoughts as of now:

  • Kitchen aid mixer– I’ve wanted this for a long time. I used this almost everyday when I would bake at Volta in Gainesville! I miss the mixer and fabulous creations it’d help me make. This could help me take my recipes to the next level.
  • Tattoo fund (it is a cumulative art piece IMO. The tattoo I particularly want to get represents my beliefs on nutrition, my perspective on life, and a sum of the experiences I’ve had so far that are insightful and nutrition related) This would be a lifetime art piece on my body, something that I do very much cherish and take care of. My body is what nutrition impacts. My life is enveloped by nutrition.

Leave your thoughts in the comment section below, would love to hear them.




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  1. Danielle

    I’m sorry the clinicals didn’t turn out to be what you wanted, but I am glad that you had a chance to realize this now. I don’t have any real advice on the ideal career search. BUT I do think you should try to keep your career related to a passion of yours, and you’ve been baking/creating recipes for as long as I’ve known you :) I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do. As far as my career goes, I honestly think I’d enjoy designing my own knitwear and writing/editing knitting patterns as a technical editor, especially since I now have technical writing experience. But I’m not really sure how to get my foot in the door. I have signed up for some courses through TKGA (The Knitting Guild of America) so I’m on my way to becoming a Master Knitter! Hopefully I can hone my skills this way and eventually start releasing my own patterns. Also, I think you should definitely go for the mixer! Those things are awesome. I use my mom’s almost every time I’m home.

    • Yes totally agree, it’s good to experience these situations/careers and then be able to decide whether or not you see yourself in that profession. omg you have to do that! I could for sure see you writing and editing knitting patterns..THat’s a really cool job, you’d be perfect for it. Maybe you can contact some companies and see if they are hiring, or even present the idea to them..you never know what could come from it. I will definitely be looking out for your patterns :) best of luck and keep me updated with your knitting journey.
      thanks for your thoughts <3

  2. Mindee Grady

    Hi, I’m the worst techy, so in all the sharing I cannot find where you have your name or direct contact info – my name is Mindee Grady, mom of daughter that will begin Meredith’s dietetic internship program this August 2017 -would really like to communicate with you about the internship (from a “graduate and current RD’s perspective..) Hope this reaches its’ way to you….